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Opioid abuse, misuse and addiction is responsible for countless numbers of ruined lives, destroyed families and wrongful deaths in Delaware, Maryland and the rest of the country. Since 1999 2/3 0f all drug overdoses involve an opioid like Oxycontin or Fentanyl. An opioid, aka an opiate, is any number of highly addictive drugs that are either in natural form or synthetic form. A common scenario leading to opioid addiction is someone is injured in an auto accident, or a workers’ comp accident or due to medical malpractice and part of their recovery is a pain medication regimen. As these drugs, while effective at helping with pain, are very addictive the patient can absolutely become addicted to them. As of August, 2020 tens of thousands of lawsuits have been filed by accident and injury victims as well as those who have lost a loved one due to opioid overprescription. If you, or a loved one, struggle with opioid addiction you may be able to recover benefits, get medical care and financial compensation by having our medical injury attorneys file a personal injury lawsuit on your behalf.

The Delaware negligence attorneys and Maryland medical malpractice lawyers at Shelsby & Leoni provide free case reviews and charge no fees if they do not recover for you and your family. Proudly serving all of Delaware, Maryland, Washington D.C. and surrounding states such West Virginia, New York & New Jersey.

Common Opioids In Opioid Addiction Claims

An opiate is an opium based drug used for pain management in Western medicine. They dull pain of all types and come in different strengths, doses and routes of administration. Opioids can come in generic and brand name form and common ones are:









While many accident and injury victims take these as prescribed until they no longer need them others do not. Some people, who never showed any signs of alcohol or drug addiction, can become dependent on these drugs and if supply runs out (doctor stops prescribing them) they will take to the black market and or buying heroin as it is a natural opiate.

Opioid Addiction Statistics

A 2018 study by the National Institute for Drug Abuse outlined that more than 128 people die from opioid overdoses on a daily basis in this country. Prescription opioids come in a variety of forms, including heroin and synthetic versions like morphine, fentanyl and oxycodone.

But opioids and the risks they carry aren’t limited to illegal drugs. They’re also present in hospitals and pharmacies throughout the country in the form of prescription pain medications. Opioid medications are big business in our country, with 80 percent of all prescription opioids being sold and used in the United States alone.

Addiction, overdose and death due to opioids is common. With that, doctors are cautious about who they prescribe the medications to, dosages given as well as refills. All prescription medications are either controlled substances or not controlled. Not only are opioids controlled but they are also in the class of drugs with most severe penalties if arrested for selling them. Still, many healthcare providers doctors prescribe, or sell, opioids to the point of malpractice. This can lead to patients suffering serious health problems and even fatal overdoses. Also, there are pain clinics throughout the country that sell opioids directly to patients at what are known as ‘pill mills’. If you, your child, parent or other family member is struggling with opioid addiction please reach out to our Baltimore Maryland medication error lawyers and Delaware injury attorneys handling opioid lawsuits.

Who Is Liable In Opioid Addiction, Injury & Wrongful Death Claims

Victims of opioid addiction can obtain benefits, medical care and financial compensation in several ways. One way is via a medical malpractice lawsuit against the doctor, pain clinic, hospital or healthcare organization that prescribed the medication to you. There is always a paper trail of this and proving negligence via over-prescribing can be done by our Delaware & Maryland opioid overprescription lawyers.

A mass tort lawsuit, which is filed against the drug manufacturer, is another way to obtain benefits and compensation. Many drug companies, such as Purdue Pharma, have agreed to billions of dollars in settlements for the wreckage created by the drugs they made. In these cases it is usually alleged that the manufacturer did not properly warn the public, doctors or hospitals of the capacity for addiction, overdose and wrongful death. The drug company is then liable for the injuries to the patients.

Regardless of who is liable for the havoc wreaked on your life, family, career and health our Baltimore, Maryland injury attorneys will hold them accountable and get you the benefits and financial compensation you deserve.

Opioid Crisis Updates 2020

On Wednesday, October 21st, 2020 Connecticut based Oxycontin manufacturer Purdue Pharma LP pled guilty to federal charges of fraud, negligence and intentionally misleading the public. Their flagship painkiller Oxycontin, the brand name of oxycodone, is one of the most commonly prescribed medications. It is a very powerful opioid and is a Schedule II medication per the FDA. This means it has medical uses but is also very addictive. Despite filing bankruptcy in 2019 they will pay an $8.3 billion dollar settlement to addiction injury victims nationwide. If you, or a loved one, has struggled with, or died from, an opioid addiction you have rights. Also, you may qualify for benefits and compensation.

Negligence Attorneys Helping Victims Of Opioid Addiction

Physicians have been aware of the dangers of opioids and painkiller medications for decades. Despite that knowledge, some doctors give opioid prescriptions that are too potent, inappropriate for their health conditions, or to patients who are at risk for developing addictions. Other doctors may fail to monitor their patients for complications.

Our Wilmington, Delaware medical malpractice lawyers hold negligent doctors responsible when they fail to take the necessary precautions before and after prescribing opioid medications. We’ve seen the devastation that these medications can cause to patients and their families, and their goal is to help innocent victims get the compensation they deserve. Please contact us today for a free consultation to find out how we can help.

Our Opioid addiction injury attorneys serve all of Delaware, Maryland & Washington DC: Annapolis, Baltimore, Bel Air, Bowie, College Park, Dover, Georgetown, Newark, University of Delaware, University of Maryland, Wilmington & Washington D.C.